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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

4| | |25 weeks pregnant with notty toddler around...| | |3

biler tengok last posting aku..28 june 2006...skrg dah nak abis thn 2007. baru aku tergerak hati nak update blog nih..ntah lah nak kater malas mungkin ye gak..tak pon sibuk..sibuk sesgt..ntah sibuk ngan ape pon aku tak tahu..tapi memang jrg lah nak dpt duduk depan komputer lelama..upload gambar...kire dlm seminggu adelah sekali dua aku curi masa dari layan danish..ignore dia..n mengadap laptop...

so whats new...
firstly..i am pregnant again with 2nd baby...and now dah masuk 6 months...

2nd...danish dah 17 bulan...dah pandai jalan ..lari..panjat tangga..kerusi..meja..katil...even dah faham few simple intsruction like "simpan".."no".."makan"..."mandi".."tidow".."tolong".. "salam".."kiss"..etc...and dah tahu lots of things too.. daddy..mummy... handphone .. tv.. komputer..etc.. hehehe..basic item yang selalu dia nampak aku dan eddie guna...

3rd.. i am now fulltime housewife...eddie fulltime househusband....hehehe..so both of us..24 hours..at home...jobless.. but financially alhamdulillah stable...i runs my own business..just small shop..selling ready made women clothes like jubah..baju kurung ..tudung etc..the accesories like bags..brooches..and also i become sendayu tinggi official dealer. apart from that i takes avon and nutrimetics orders from my customers so got some income from there too...i had a indonesian helper..who comes daily to help around the shop..sometimes my house...and take care of danish...
as for eddie..he manage cybercafe nearby..and fulltime working from home..mostly internet based..working for his own company mfactor and his working hours usually start at 3 pm..up till late at nite...best kan...one of his project that has become very successful is mymode prepaid4u...and now he working on this buynow2u.com ...an affliate program selling refurbished computers...hopefully that went well too..
other than that..he is 24 hours stayed home daddy to danish and husband to me...

4th.. tempat tinggal?? rumah kedai..small space from my shop which we renovate and makes some partition to divide into 2 rooms..an office..and kitchen..including a toilet aka bathroom... small space..but complete..cosy..and comfortable to live in...save more money on rent..bills etc..

hehehe...i guess thats the update for the year...more to come soon...got to do some spring clean today..tomorrow plans to balik kampung chini until monday...

● Written by: aLdriNa ● 1:17 pm ● 0 Beri Komen Anda

a person with a solid heart
will sigh and cry
with such a hurt

a person with a gold heart
will sit and pray to die
rather than go through this misery

a person with an iron heart
will be willing to give up life
rather than to give up hope
to such melancholy

compared to me...
with a heart of flesh and blood...
god..take my breath and make me peace at heart.....

Name: Yanie
Nicks: aLdriNa
Age: 27
Marital Status: Happily Married
Place of Origin: Putrajaya.
Occupation: Fulltime Housewife & a mummy of 2 notty but adorable little boys ;p~
Expertise: Shopping + shopping + shopping
Contact: elle_lis(at)yahoo.com
Yahoo ID: elle_lis

[[ My Adores ]]

Food: Chocolate, Cake, Ice Cream
Drink: Lychee, Tembikai
Colour: Pink & Purple
Novelist: Ahadiat Akashah , Judith McNaught n Norhayati Berahim

[[ My WishLists ]]

Sweet cherry baby stroller

Bathing Mat for adik

Pohkong tranz collection bracelet and a pair of earring

new handbag

new sandal

Double storey link semi D 35' x 65' house

a new handphone

Akemi queen size comforter n bedding set

a new wardrobe

raplh lauren romance EDP

LG 2 doors fridge

new kitchen cabinet complete with stove n oven

[[ Music's Of the week ]]

Song:Hanya Kau yang Mampu

[[ Past Journal ]]

Saya dah pindah rumah!!~
pindah rumah...
A wake up story...
2 years ago...
emotionally disturb...
shopping part I
happy 3rd anniversary...
Happy MAMA day...
Aquaria trip with nenek n auntie elle
new mummy...new project...

[[ My History ]]


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My Beloved Hubby

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mamamamatNanaelIwanTangAbg LongKak NoraLeebardyModerator01Js pcmCapslock pcmDiana pcmIla pcmSuzi pcmYusvogue pcmsyerah pcmNanarahman pcmZaimahlia pcmafiq_27Hasrol

● Want me to add your blog in my friendlist? Simply shout at my shoutbox. But i'm glad if there is my link at yours to..

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