Monday, December 10, 2007
Balik ingat nak citer pasal holiday@langkawi hari tuh tapi malas plak sebab abang dah tulis awal2 dlm blog sape2 nak bace pasal our holiday leh baca kat blog nih.
Overall aku abis dlm rm600 utk shopping..makan..hotel...itu ini kat sana..plan nak pow abang perfume tak jadi...dpt pow separuh je...huhuhu...hampess..dpt satu DKNY be delicious EDF and raplh lauren women collection EDF. pastu beli some chocolates..kisses..cadbury..fererro rocher..etc..yang pasti abis almost rm100 kat chocolates je..then few kain batik utk mak n baju kebaya nyonya utk raye tahun depan cewahhh.....lagi ape ek...aku pon luper dah tapi memang byk mender2 kecik macam minyak balm gamat..air gamat etc..
balik dari langkawi..few days after that ..mama ajak gi ikea...huhuhu..nak beli barang2 kecik untuk rumah dia..aku follow je..dlm hati takde mender sgt nak shopping...tapi teringat nak beli high chair utk danish and adik..aku beli satu je lah..boleh share...rm 59 je..without tray kat atas tuh...pastu beli mat..yang at the end almost rm160 gak aku abis kat situ. gambar sebelah tuh gambar meja makan aku yg dah complete dgn accesorries nyer...hehehe..all ikea label tau..ahaks...dari meja..kerusi..high mat..cutlery n bekasnyer...huhuhu..mahal tapi puas hati sebab masuk ngan tema dapur n white..huhuhu..
epala dia terhantuk kat bucu simen luka tuh dlm seinci gak lah panjang nyer..n memang banyak giler darah yang kuar sebab kene kulit kepala...dan dlm ..aku panic...terus menangis sambil dukung danish...cecepat bwk gi klinik aisyah yusuf dekat rumah aku ..tapi diaorang takleh nak jahit sebab tak cukup peralatan n aku..abang n nana terus ke pusat rawatan islam azzahra..mula nak gi hospital putrajaya je tapi abang suh gi azzahra sebab senang nak claim panel. biler tibe kat sane danish dah back to notty mula tuh doktor ingat tak emergency..tapi biler tengok kepala dia luka berdarah2 macam tuh dia cecepat suh gi bahagian triage..kat situ dia check cecepat..kene injection tetanus n painkiller..n kene jahit...danish meraung tak ingat nyer..masa tuh mujur abang yg pegang sebab memang kalau aku yg pegang sampai biler pon tak siap jahit...sedih sesgt dgr dia nangis...mula tuh mungkin nangis sebab sakit kene inject bius kat bahgian luka tuh...tapi biler bius tuh dah bertindak..masa jahit tuh dia jerit sebab kene ikat n pegang last..after 15 minit selesai..nothing serius..sebab danish tak black out or just kulit kepala dia dpt lah 3 jahitan ....huhuhuhu...tapi lepas siap je jahit..danish macam orang tak sakit...lompat sane sini. ..lari sana sini..alhamdulillah...mujurlah tak serius...tapi kalau tengok darah yang kuar tadi macam nak pengsan pon ada ....
Balik rumah...sepah yg amat...setiap kali aku nak lipat baju..danish "tolong" lipat sekali...beza nyer aku lipat masukkan dlm almari..dia "lipat" punggah balik kuar almari...geram sgt..tak padan ngan kepala berjahitnyer..nak marah beria sgt kesian..tgh sakit...tapi geram...tension..last2 aku kumpul semer baju2 tuh..masukkan dlm bakul campak dlm bilik dia...puas hati janji bilik tidow aku tak sepah..esoknyer mintak tolong kak siti lipat...dan aku masukkan dlm almari cecepat..
Name: Yanie
Nicks: aLdriNa
Age: 27
Marital Status: Happily Married
Place of Origin: Putrajaya.
Occupation: Fulltime Housewife & a mummy of 2 notty but adorable little boys ;p~
Expertise: Shopping + shopping + shopping
Contact: elle_lis(at)
Yahoo ID: elle_lis
[[ My Adores ]]
Food: Chocolate, Cake, Ice Cream
Drink: Lychee, Tembikai
Colour: Pink & Purple
Novelist: Ahadiat Akashah , Judith McNaught n Norhayati Berahim
[[ My WishLists ]]
Sweet cherry baby stroller
Bathing Mat for adik
Pohkong tranz collection bracelet and a pair of earring
new handbag
new sandal
Double storey link semi D 35' x 65' house
a new handphone
Akemi queen size comforter n bedding set
a new wardrobe
raplh lauren romance EDP
LG 2 doors fridge
new kitchen cabinet complete with stove n oven
[[ Music's Of the week ]]
Song:Hanya Kau yang Mampu
[[ Past Journal ]]
● Pesanan untuk suami
● Malaikatmu...
● yeyeaa...nak gi cuti cuti malaysia
● bedroom a.k.a playroom danish and adik
● Harapan - fazli zainal
● nak emo nih....
● 25 weeks pregnant with notty toddler around...
● first time mummy...
● welcome to the world my little prince....
● biarlah rahsia...
[[ My History ]]
● 2004-12-05● 2005-03-13● 2005-05-08● 2005-05-29● 2005-06-19● 2005-07-24● 2005-07-31● 2005-08-14● 2005-08-21● 2005-09-04● 2005-09-11● 2005-09-18● 2005-09-25● 2005-10-09● 2005-10-16● 2005-10-23● 2005-11-06● 2005-12-11● 2006-04-09● 2006-06-18● 2006-06-25● 2007-11-11● 2007-11-18● 2007-12-02● 2007-12-09● 2008-01-13● 2008-01-20● 2008-01-27● 2008-02-03● 2008-02-10● 2008-02-17● 2008-03-16● 2008-03-30● 2008-05-04● 2008-06-01● 2008-06-08● 2008-08-10
[[ The Conversations ]]
[[ My Garden ]]
● My MySpace
● My Portal
● My Part time income
● My Lepaking Forum
● My Beloved Hubby
[[ My Friends ]]
● mama ● mamat ● Nanael ● Iwan ● Tang ● Abg Long ● Kak Nora ● Lee ● bardy ● Moderator01 ● Js pcm ● Capslock pcm ● Diana pcm ● Ila pcm ● Suzi pcm ● Yusvogue pcm ● syerah pcm ● Nanarahman pcm ● Zaimah ● lia pcm ● afiq_27 ● Hasrol ●
● Want me to add your blog in my friendlist? Simply shout at my shoutbox. But i'm glad if there is my link at yours to..
[[ My Viewers ]]
[[ Credits ]]
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